
Showing posts from 2019

Sacrament of Confirmation

Sacrament of Confirmation      The Sacrament of Confirmation is.... the sacrament   of initation, the completion of the baptismal grace, enriched with a special strength of Holy Spirit,  a sacrament that makes the grace of the Pentecost in the church, and the special out pouring of the holy spirit.  Confirmation can help us accept the call of God and work with others to build a better world for everyone. These are the steps of being confirmed: You stand or kneel before the bishop your sponcer lays one hand on your shoulder and speaks your confirmation name The bishop anoints you by using oil (they use a special oil called Chrism) to make a cross on your forehead, while saying your confirmation name and "Be sealed with the gift of the holy spirit" You respond "Amen" The bishop says "peace be with you" You respond "and with your spirit"

Sacrament of Penace

Heaven       Heaven is where good people go after they die. There is no pain or sin in heaven. There are lots of  angels and two thrones for God and Jesus. Christians believe in the blessedness of heaven realized in the possession of God. In the bible we can describe heaven as: The crown of life (James 1:12) As the kingdom (Matthew 25:34) As the eternal glory of God (1 Peter 5:10)  We should practice this sacrament because we will not be able to go to heaven without it. Sin is not allowed in heaven. In heaven the blessed will be: Will be with God (Revelation 21:3) Will be in the house of the father where there are many dwelling places (John 14:2), heirs to God, heirs with Christ( Romans 8:17) will reign forever and ever; illuminated by God ( Revelation 22:3-5) 
Eucharist Terms Communion of Saints:  A term meaning all faithful members on Earth, Heaven, and Purgatory. Deposit of Faith: meaning the divine revelated truths entrusted to the church for the salvation lof all people. Inculturation: meaning the adaptation of the liturgy by incorporating cultural expressions that help express the meaning of the churches worship. Mystical Body : meaning all the member of the church are united with Christ as head and body Sunday: the weekly anniversay of the ressurection Pascal Mystery: the eucharist sharing Eucharistia: a greek word meaning thanksgiving

Reflection about the Eucharist 1

Reflection about the Eucharist 1          In the Catholic church the Eucharist is a sacrament celebrated as the source and summit of Christian  life.In other words the Eucharist is the sum and summary of our faith. The sacrament is expressed in two ways:The last supper, because it connects with when the Lord took his disciples on the eve of his passion. The breaking of the bread,because Jesus used this rite as master of the table he blessed and gave the bread. The Eucharist assembly (synaxis), because the Eucharist is celebrated around the assembly of the faithful. The memorial of the Lord's passion and resurrection. The holy sacrifice, because it makes known the one sacrifice of Christ and includes the churches offerings. The Holy and Divine Liturgy, because the church's liturgy finds its intense expression in the celebration of the Eucharist. Holy communion, because by this we unite ourselves to Christ. Holy Mass, because the liturgy is accomplished conclaves.
This Weeks Teaching Baptism Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water i the world. Batizen Means baptize,to plunge or immerse. Plunge symbolizes the catechumen's burial into Christ's death, which he rises up by resurrection as a new creature. Vitae spiritum tuo means Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the spirit. Baptism can also e defined as the door which gives access to the other sacraments. The bath/pouring of the water is called enlightenment, because those who receive it have greater knowledge in their understanding. Baptism in God is the most amazing gift, we call it: Gift Grace Anointing Enlightenment  Garment of immortality Bath of rebirth Seal Most precious gift Through baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons and daughters of God. We become members of Christ. WE are welcomed into the church and made sharers in the mission.
All About Theology      Theology is the systematic study of divine revelation and human faith. In simpler terms Theology means the study of God. God comes to us in many ways. There are two in particular: Revelation and Human faith. As we understand faith, we understand our purpose and we forced to ask psychological questions like, who am I? What am I doing? Where am I going. God's will is for us to believe in him and to teach others to do the same. What is Theology for? To help us focus on God and to do his will.To help us learn more about God and his ways. Theology is sub-divided. How, well Theology is basically a single discipline. The various sub-disciplines contribute important perspectives on Theology. Each sub-discipline contributes towards a holistic understanding of God's will. Some theologians around the world are Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Wesley, Avery Cardinal Dulles, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.