Reflection about the Eucharist 1

Reflection about the Eucharist 1

         In the Catholic church the Eucharist is a sacrament celebrated as the source and summit of Christian 
life.In other words the Eucharist is the sum and summary of our faith. The sacrament is expressed in two ways:The last supper, because it connects with when the Lord took his disciples on the eve of his passion. The breaking of the bread,because Jesus used this rite as master of the table he blessed and gave the bread. The Eucharist assembly (synaxis), because the Eucharist is celebrated around the assembly of the faithful. The memorial of the Lord's passion and resurrection. The holy sacrifice, because it makes known the one sacrifice of Christ and includes the churches offerings. The Holy and Divine Liturgy, because the church's liturgy finds its intense expression in the celebration of the Eucharist. Holy communion, because by this we unite ourselves to Christ. Holy Mass, because the liturgy is accomplished conclaves.

Some Implications of the Eucharist are:
  • A sacrament of Thanksgiving
  • Sacrament of praise to the father
  • The sacrificial memorial of Christ and his body
  • Thew presence of Christ by the power of his word 
  • The presence of the holy spirit


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