The old testament is about the loving relationship between God and the Hebrew people.Just because the old testament is old doesn't men that it is any less important, it can still teach us.The old testament is divided into 4 major categories:Books of law, Historical books, Wisdom books, and Phophetic books. The old testament and the new testament are both important. You cannot understand one without the other. There are steps to take when writing the form of the bible. The considerable steps for writing the gospel are:
    Image result for bible
  1. People experience God
  2. People share the stories verbally
  3. People write down the stories
  4. Religious leaders select the central writings to be apart of the scripture
  5. People speaking different languages translate the bible into their own languages.


  1. great information i learned a lot with 2 paragraphs.

  2. i like that she wrote the steps for writing the bible.

  3. Great way to summarize the information you learned

  4. i learned a lot good job

  5. I learned a lot just by reading your post. U did a great job bestie

  6. Good job on your paragraph and explaining the steps for writing the Gospel.


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