Cain and Abel

           When Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden they had to do everything themselves. Eve gave birth to her first son, Cain. Cain's job was to tend to the crops. Then Eve gave birth to her second son Abel. Abel's job was to tend to the sheep.As they were older they disobeyed their parents just like Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Cain was always angry at Abel. God tried to warn Cain that anger only leads to sin, but he did not listen. Its was time to make an offering to God. Cain offered food from his crops while Abel offered a baby lamb. God accepted Abel's offering but not Cain's, this made him very angry. Cain was so upset that he killed his own brother by hitting him on the head with a rock. Cain tried to hide from God but he couldn't. Cains punishment was that no produce will come from the land that farms and that no one shall kill him or they will be punished tenfold. He then marked Cains head so everyone would know not to kill him.


  1. Did great in summarizing the lesson and was simple and very informative

  2. Great job at Summarizing why cain was angry at his brother.

  3. You gave a lot of good information and an amazing summary of Genesis Chapter 4.

  4. i like the way you broke everything down

  5. Theres lots of information,and its explained well


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